Virginia Journeyman or Master Electricians Exam Preparation

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Virginia Journeyman or Master Electricians Exam Preparation

2 weeks
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0 students

Our exam preparation classes are focused on the Journeyman and Master Electrician Virginia exams and cover all the topics based on the latest National Electrical Code, step by step.

Topics covered:

Includes the general electrical knowledge; requirements for electrical installations; electrical-electronic fundamentals; services, feeders, and branch circuits; service and feeder requirements; grounding and bonding; conductors and cables; raceways and boxes; special occupancies; special equipment; electrical signs and outline lighting; motors and controls; utilization equipment; lighting; general low voltage requirements; communication systems; fire detection and alarm systems; standards of practice; standards of conduct; renewal and reinstatement; definitions; qualification for licensure; and revocation of licensure.


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  • Time: 40 hours.
  • Designation: EEP

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